A Space to breathe
Interior Architecture & Design

Once established that the end users of my new space would be students, I then had to determine where to look for potential sites which could accommodate all the different areas of breathing spaces, as well as being accessible to the students of Nottingham.
Ideally my site will need to be fairly big, to house the large number of students at different times as well as provide the potential to create many separate spaces. I will need to cover as many of the ideas suggested in my questionnaire responses as possible, and combine these with the principals from my secondary research also.
I intend to start my search via Google Maps & Google Earth to narrow down which area of Nottingham I will be using, then I will be physically visiting the potential sites to analyse their suitability.
Once a suitable site is decided upon, I will produce an in-depth analysis for that specific building, covering all aspects such as historical evaluation of the area, previous history of the building, structural awareness, etc.
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